Thursday 17 January 2008

Thugs in the News

Update: Just in time for our course, the Press in Britain are ramping up campaigns to deal with .... well, with the subjects of our course, in response to the assault mentioned first below.

More support for the course thesis (thug behavior a consequence of the post-1945 end of Empire) here from Dame Kelly Holmes, calling for thugs to be sent to Army camps:

OLYMPIC champ Dame Kelly Holmes has called for every 16-year-old to be put through Army-style training camps.
The double gold medallist blamed the breakdown of family life for Britain’s yob culture – and said kids need to be taught discipline and a regimented way of life.
Runner Kelly, 37 – in India with Gordon Brown to promote the 2012 London Olympics – was a PE instructor in the Army.
She said: “I’m talking about a month of intense training in life skills that teach you some qualities of respect, training, discipline and basic skills like how to turn up on time, finish a job, and even iron your shirt.
“It’s going to help society because it is about your core values.”
The "breakdown in family life" is a strong explanans gaining increasing currency. Note in this regard that in the articles below dealing with the thugs who killed Garry Newlove were all children of single mothers.

Note that, as presented in lecture, the violence is non racial: like football hooliganism, white-on-white.

A vivid current example of real thuggishness thing is here, ("Get this evil off our streets") here and here, in the right-wing English tabloids The Sun and The Daily Mail. Note that the mother of their victim (the family in the picture here), as the explanatory model presented in lecture would predict, wants the thugs sent into the British Army.

A gruesome, minute-by-minute, account here.

  • [Elsewhere, an Australian, not thug, perhaps hooligan, likely prat is viewable in full attitude mode, against a female interviewer (she also does bbcworld, I am certain.) Sent along by classfellow M.S.]
  • Also, an example -- and one I am still shaking my head over -- of the culture of accommodation (effectively, condescension) that the present Labour regime in Britain is working to implement toward thugs, through policy.
  • [Warning: graphic image] Here is another thug, and his elderly woman victim.

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